If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why? Also what would you do? What day would this be (you could choose any day). If it was me i would want to be Barack Obama on his birthday. The reason why is because i could do anything i want and since it would be my/his birthday I would be able to meet all of his best pals and the high generals. plus no one could stop me from doing what i want.

I would also want to go sky diving from air force one. And if i had enough time I would want to go in a jet and have the pilot do zero gravity because iv always wanted to do that (every boy does :p). Then when the day ends i would tell all my friends (i only have 0.5) but halfy wouldn't believe me lol. Anyways id be happy.
4/12/2013 12:57:59 am

If I could be someone for a day, I'd like to be any successful actress like Jennifer Lawrence, and I'd like to be her on a day of shooting a film

4/21/2013 10:47:35 pm

If I could be any one it would be Ghost from mw2 and I would have stayed in the house and not gotten shot.

4/21/2013 10:52:24 pm

i would be roach from mw2 and i would have stayed in the house too because getting shot sucks

4/23/2013 11:19:12 pm

If I could be anyone for a day, I would be Wendy from Peter Pan. She gets to fly around Neverland seeing and expolre new things she'd never imagine existed. Great Blog!


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