Waste. Its everywhere! Don't believe me? Then look at the road, side walk, anywhere. It is literately everywhere. Why cant people just pick up there garbage or hold onto it till they get to a garbage disposal? Why? Its because thats not how socciety works. If one person does it then there conciderd a "rebel" or "cool" witch then everyone does it. It even works with the way people dress, walk, talk, and everything else that someone can do. So why doesn't anyone hold onto there garbage to throw it out or pick up after themselves? Because that's old and not rebelish.

    So how do we get people to stop litering? Do we put more garbage pails out? No because then there will be more vandalism and it would also cost the government more money witch means higher taxes. Or do we put up more signs saying no littering? But if you think about it there is really nothing we can do anymore except pick up our own garbage and be responsible for our selfs and try to help others. Because if we dont then the zombies will come and attack us and then it will be there world until the aliens come.

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